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Saturday, October 26, 2019

Eleven Minutes Part two( How to survive 1)

How to survive 

When they reached Switzerland Roger's behavior changed suddenly now he doesn't attend to please the girl nor try to kiss her. He installed the girl into a small hotel hand them to Brazillian women name Viviane, ask her to make them ready for work. 
Viviane looks the girl top to bottom without asking any question he directly said I know why you accept the job mainly for - adventure, money or a husband.
Maria knows whatever the Viviane is saying is totally correct as she is experienced and she also came for the same reason. When Viviane says as for the money, once the coast of room and board has been deducted, you'll have to work for nearly the whole year just to pay for your flight back home. Maria and her other colleagues get shocked this is not what they had promised. Then Viviane said I know like every other girl you haven't read the contact properly this is what written. When Maria went to room she started crying and she knows that she has taken the wrong step but yet she can't do anything about it. Whatever is happening has already happened now she has to pull up all her courage and start to work.

On the first day of work, she gets only 10% of what she has offered. As time pass, she starts to work so to earn money so to get back to Brazille. But one Maria takes a weak off to visit someplace when she returns she has been told that she has been released from work, she gives an excuse that her health was not fine but they don't except her any excuse and you have to live now.
Now she hasn't enough money to go back to Brazille. She books a cheap room nearby without a TV, eats food in a Japanese restaurant which is also very cheap. After a few days pass her money which she has earned is now finishing so she decided that she will start working. Whatever the money she has left she took some photoshoot and a mobile phone and she asks them some extra copy so she will able to send these photos to her house.
She is waiting for the phone call during the free she started to learn french and reading newspapers and magazines. When she found out she is wasting a lot of money on this type of thing, so started going to the library.
One day her phone ring she was too excited at last but she calms herself down and picks up her phone. On the other side of the phone there was a guy speak Maria speaking? It was an Arab guy who took her photo with her and settles a meeting with her in a very fine restaurant.
On the day of the meeting Maria pick on the finest dress and put some makeup left for dinner.
They speak on a different topic then Arab guy asks would you mind some wine in the hotel room for 1,000 dollars. After hearing this maria started crying and everybody started watching them then he understood and say there is no need. She says wait pour me some more wine. Then she becomes agreed and both went to the hotel room to drink some champagne after some time she opens her leg and waited for him to have an orgasm, washed in the marble bathroom, picked up the money, and allowed herself to have a luxury taxi.

To be continued........

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