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Monday, October 28, 2019

Eleven Minutes Part two( How to survive 2)

How to survive

As time started to go on she started working in Copacabana bar for 350 dollars in which she has to pay a 50 dollar commission. Every girl who works in this bar suggests never to fall in love, no kiss, she suggests taking more time in taking off the cloth and talking after that it is only the game of 11 minutes. The rule of the bar is to wait for the client's approach to offer her drink then she has to go first dance then book a taxi then go to a hotel the duration should not exceed 45 minutes. 
As she started working she starts understanding men pay to get happiness to end their loneliness as expriencee she stars learning about man habit what problem they face and how to console them. The number of clients starts increasing and her colleague jealous her by the her growth. 
From Maria diary

Maria has enough money to leave Switzerland and go back to Brazile. But she was thinking about what to do when she reache Brazile o she start reading about farming and she gets some books from the library.
One day she was reading a book in the cafe when she was going to leave the cafe at the exit door she listen a voice
"hang on a moment"

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Eleven Minutes Part two( How to survive 1)

How to survive 

When they reached Switzerland Roger's behavior changed suddenly now he doesn't attend to please the girl nor try to kiss her. He installed the girl into a small hotel hand them to Brazillian women name Viviane, ask her to make them ready for work. 
Viviane looks the girl top to bottom without asking any question he directly said I know why you accept the job mainly for - adventure, money or a husband.
Maria knows whatever the Viviane is saying is totally correct as she is experienced and she also came for the same reason. When Viviane says as for the money, once the coast of room and board has been deducted, you'll have to work for nearly the whole year just to pay for your flight back home. Maria and her other colleagues get shocked this is not what they had promised. Then Viviane said I know like every other girl you haven't read the contact properly this is what written. When Maria went to room she started crying and she knows that she has taken the wrong step but yet she can't do anything about it. Whatever is happening has already happened now she has to pull up all her courage and start to work.

On the first day of work, she gets only 10% of what she has offered. As time pass, she starts to work so to earn money so to get back to Brazille. But one Maria takes a weak off to visit someplace when she returns she has been told that she has been released from work, she gives an excuse that her health was not fine but they don't except her any excuse and you have to live now.
Now she hasn't enough money to go back to Brazille. She books a cheap room nearby without a TV, eats food in a Japanese restaurant which is also very cheap. After a few days pass her money which she has earned is now finishing so she decided that she will start working. Whatever the money she has left she took some photoshoot and a mobile phone and she asks them some extra copy so she will able to send these photos to her house.
She is waiting for the phone call during the free she started to learn french and reading newspapers and magazines. When she found out she is wasting a lot of money on this type of thing, so started going to the library.
One day her phone ring she was too excited at last but she calms herself down and picks up her phone. On the other side of the phone there was a guy speak Maria speaking? It was an Arab guy who took her photo with her and settles a meeting with her in a very fine restaurant.
On the day of the meeting Maria pick on the finest dress and put some makeup left for dinner.
They speak on a different topic then Arab guy asks would you mind some wine in the hotel room for 1,000 dollars. After hearing this maria started crying and everybody started watching them then he understood and say there is no need. She says wait pour me some more wine. Then she becomes agreed and both went to the hotel room to drink some champagne after some time she opens her leg and waited for him to have an orgasm, washed in the marble bathroom, picked up the money, and allowed herself to have a luxury taxi.

To be continued........

Friday, October 25, 2019

Jama Masjid, Delhi

Masjid e Jahan Numa

Jama Masjid which is situated in old Delhi, Chandni Chowk. 
One of the biggest mosques in India and a famous spot for tourism with a very rush place as well as beautiful. It was built by Shah Jahan between 1650 and 1656 on the coast of one million rupees. It can accommodate 25000 people at a time.

The most eye-catching thing is its architecture which old and hand made. It has three massive gates for entrance. 
India is always known for its architecture which we need to save.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Eleven Minute Part one( The Innocent Girl 3)

The Innocent Girl

One day Maria has nothing to do she started to touch her vagina and clitoris with a finger she becomes super-sensitive, like to touch her breast and nipples, her vagina gets wet, started to scream like she is in another world, never feels like this before even during sex. She reaches maximum arousal and has an orgasm. She does the same thing 2 or 3 times and has an orgasm and feels like many things have happened to her body and think there is no need of boy she alone can have pleasure.
As Maria grow old stared to working in the shop now she knows how to use her beauty. Her boss likes Maria too much even he wanted to marry her and Marry knows everything but she never gives any chance to him so that he tells her how he fell about her. Sometimes Maria works overtime so to earn more money and he pays her for overtime. 
Now she is dreaming to visit "RIO" that is why she is working hard to earn more money and she didn't believe in true Love as she has dated many guys but never finds one, none have able to pleasure her need and satisfy her body. Now she has enough money and she decides to live her dream. So she buy the ticket and tells her family, boss, the friend that she is going to visit RIO for a few days. When she tell this to boss he become upset he tell her that he will be waiting for her and he has something important to tell her. After 48 hour journey, she reached to RIO. When she reached changed her cloth into a swimsuit directly move toward the ocean at that time many foreigners approach her for a drink but she rejected every one. But one of the SWISS came with a coconut drink and she accepts it. He tells her that she is absolutely gorgeous and asks her for the party in the hotel and he offers a job of 500 swiss per month with some cut. She wasn't able to reject it. As she reaches he provides a beautiful dress and a pair of shoes and some makeup. She was so happy as she reach the party area he tells about the work that she has to learn how to dance and etc. and she signed the contact paper.
The next day swiss boy and told her that her paper work is completed and they will leave next. Maria was completely shocked and tell him she has to meet her parents first but he said the contact has already been signed. But the mediator involved and said that he will help her. When she reached home Maria met their parents her father was not too much happy her mother involved and said there is nothing wrong.

"Married to rich but not happy is ok"

And lastly she met her friend and boss. Boss told whenever you are going to return he will be waiting for her and always be ready to marry her.
Then both left towards rio from there toward SWISS.

To be continue........


Eleven Minute Part one( The Innocent Girl 2)

The Innocent Girl

After the summer break, she went to school, decided that she will start the conversation. Maria searches for the boy in the whole school and she didn't find. she asks the other schoolmate and find that he already left the state. Become upset and regret and her decision hardly that why, why she didn't talk to him when he approaches her yet she can't do anything then she decide whenever any situation will come like this she will do at the same time, so to have no regrets.
As time flies, Maria becomes prettier and gorgeous forgets about the boy, again fallen in love.
One day Maria and her boyfriend were walking together and they kissed when there lips touch Maria felt blood is rushing all over her skin, her skin becomes more sensitive, rubbing their lips. She closed her eye hold his head they start kissing with more violence. During the kiss, the boy touched her teeth with his tongue.
At school maria and her friend were talking she told about the kiss and that he touch her teeth. They laugh and told her, you don't have to close your mouth tongue have to touched it's a way of kiss.
During adolescent, she lost her virginity inside the car but she didn't have any pleasure of sex except the pain which is a lot to bear. Maria threatens the boy to have sex more time otherwise complain rape case on him so that she can understand about sex and how other her friend enjoy. In the invention process 
she invents the new thing "MASTURBATION".

To be continued........


Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Eleven Minute Part one( The Innocent Girl 1)

The Innocent Girl

Every girl has a fantasy dream that one day she will find her true love and she will marry a rich man and have kids, so in the same way, Maria also believe that she will find her true love and one day she will marry with a rich man and have kids. She always lives in a fantasy world. Her father was a travelling salesman, her mother a seamstress ,(a woman who sews) and her hometown, in the interior of Brazil, had only one cinema, one nightclub, and one bank.
The first time she falls in love at the age of 11. When she was going towards school she found out she is not alone at that point their eyes meet Maria's heart starts racing fast than usual but they don't speak a word to each other. One day a boy tries to talk to her, he asks for a pen which he already had it was just an excuse. But Maria hesitates so she just runs away from that situation because she saw the pen that was already present inside his shirt pocket but she knew that he wanted to start the conversation. After some time she regrets her decision and thought to speak to but summer vacation started so never get the chance and decided that she will sure speak to him after the summer break.
During the summer one morning when she woke she found the BLOOD over her leg completely frightened, thinking that now is the time she is going to die. Her mother came in and told her not to worry now she became a woman, don't give her the proper reason.
Maria got completely confused about how she became a woman???. (i.e menstruation cycle)

To be continued........

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Eleven Minutes

                                          O, MARRY, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN
                                      PRAY FOR US WHO TURN TO YOU. AMEN

Eleven Minutes - Paulo Coelho

Eleven Minutes novel is one of the international bestseller . His books have had a life-enhancing impact on million of people .
"Love is a terrible thing that will make you suffer......."
This novel tell the story about a girl name "Maria", a young Brazilian girl.
To summaries the novel I will divide into three part.

Part one   - The innocent girl
Part two   - How to survive
Part three - True love

                                         "This daring new novel sees  the  author  of
                                           The Alchemist at his best - challenging our

                                            prejudices, opening our mind and keeping

                                                           us utterly enthralled"

                                                   For I am the first and the last
                                             I am the venerated and the despised
                                                  I am the prostitute and the saint
                                                     I am the wife and the virgin
                                                I am the mother and the daughter
                                                    I am the arms of my mother
                                             I am  barren and my child are many
                                         I am the married women and the spinster
                                         I am the women who gives birth and she
                                                        Who never procreated
                                         I am the consolation for the pain of birth
                                                 I am the wife and the husband
                                            And it was my man who created me
                                                 I am the mother of my father
                                                I am the sister of my husband
                                                  And he is my rejected son
                                                       Always respect me
                               For I am the shameful and the magnificent one

                                   """Hymn yo Isis, third or fourth century BC,
                                               discovered in Nag Hammadi"""

Eleven Minutes Part three( True love)

True Love "Hang on a moment"  I will paint you, I will finish it in 5 min. I can see the light in you. She was shocked and t...